11 November 2010

Recordare Celebrates MusicXML's 10th Anniversary

[tips från en musikvetar-kollega: ]

LOS ALTOS, CALIFORNIA (October 19, 2010) - Recordare LLC is
celebrating the 10th anniversary of its MusicXML format for digital
sheet music by launching a redesigned web site at www.recordare.com.
The new site is more attractive and easier to navigate than the old
site. It includes key information in German and Japanese as well as

MusicXML was introduced to the public on October 23, 2000 at the First
International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval in Plymouth,
Massachusetts. Michael Good's presentation on "Representing Music
Using XML" described MusicXML version 0.1 and its early
implementations for Finale, Sibelius, MIDI, and MuseData.

In the 10 years since, MusicXML support has grown to over 130
applications on the Windows, Mac, Linux, and iOS operating systems.
All the major music notation editors can read and write MusicXML 2.0
files, including Finale, Sibelius, Capella, and MuseScore. Similarly,
all the major music scanners can create MusicXML files, including
SmartScore, PhotoScore, SharpEye, and Capella-Scan. Developers of
mobile sheet music apps use MusicXML to exchange music notation files
with these desktop programs.

"Finale 2003 changed the way music is shared by including the ability
to read and write MusicXML files," stated Ron Raup, MakeMusic's chief
executive officer. "Since then, our continued partnership with
Recordare means that Finale, Allegro, PrintMusic, SongWriter, and even
NotePad users can share more music back and forth, regardless of
version number - even with people using other companies' software. The
level of connectivity that MusicXML provides our customers represents
a very important addition to our entire product line. Recordare is a
valued partner and we extend our congratulations on the ten-year
anniversary of MusicXML."

"MusicXML has broken down the barriers that kept musicians from
getting the most out of their digital sheet music," said Michael Good,
Recordare's chief executive officer. "Over the past ten years,
MusicXML has become the standard when people work together to prepare
written music for print, film, shows, and online services. We expect
it will soon become a popular consumer format as well."

About Recordare LLC

Recordare LLC (www.recordare.com) is an Internet music software and
publishing company. Recordare created the open MusicXML format to make
digital sheet music usable by as many applications as possible.
Recordare's Dolet software uses the MusicXML format to provide a
universal translator between music notation programs.

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